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A disclaimer is generally any statement intended to specify or delimit the scope of rights and obligations that may be exercised and enforced by parties in a legally recognized relationship. In contrast to other terms for legally operative language, the term disclaimer usually implies situations that involve some level of uncertainty, waiver, or risk. A disclaimer is a defensive measure, used generally with the purpose of protection from unwanted claims or liability. A restaurant may disclaim responsibility for loss or damage to a customer's Personal Property, or a disclaimer clause in a contract might set forth certain promises and deny all other promises or responsibilities.

  1. Disclaimer For Informational Purposes Only
  2. Disclaimer
  3. Examples Of Disclaimer Statements

One of the best ways of getting to grips with the functions and applications of disclaimers is to consult a variety of disclaimer examples. Particularly if you plan on publishing any disclaimers personally, consulting approved disclaimer examples beforehand is the way to go.

But what is a disclaimer and where should disclaimers be used? Is it ever advisable to use an automated disclaimer generator, or is it better to learn how to write a disclaimer manually?

While disclaimers exist in a wide variety of forms, their basic purpose is usually the same. Whether it's an important legal disclaimer or an everyday website/blog disclaimer, its purpose is to deny something and/or deny responsibility for something.

Protecting yourself and your interests from potential legal repercussions means knowing when, where and how to use disclaimers appropriately.

Disclaimer Examples Used Most Often

The exact content and coverage of any given disclaimer will usually be 100% unique. However, the vast majority of disclaimers fall within one of the following categories:

  • Affiliate Disclaimer
  • Copyright Disclaimer
  • Fair Use Disclaimer
  • Confidentiality Disclaimer (for Emails)
  • Warranty Disclaimer
  • No Responsibility Disclaimer (Liability Disclaimer)
  • Views Expressed Disclaimer
  • Investment Disclaimer
  • No Guarantee Disclaimer
  • Past Performance Disclaimer

While it's perfectly possible for there to be a degree of overlap between one or more disclaimer types, it is vital to understand how each type of disclaimer works and which meets your requirements. In addition, ensuring the content of the disclaimer is clear, concise and unambiguous is also essential.

Let's take a closer look at some of the most common types of disclaimers in a little more detail:

Affiliate Disclaimer

The FTC (and most good affiliate programs) requires that anyone taking part in an affiliate scheme publishes an acceptable affiliate disclaimer. At its core, an affiliate disclaimer is simply used to inform people that you are taking part in an affiliate program and stand to earn money by doing so.

An affiliate disclaimer will typically indicate that while the information and advice provided by the entity in question is predominantly objective, there may be a degree of bias due to their money-making intent.

Here's an example of a concise affiliate statement from Amazon to illustrate the content you're looking for:

Disclaimer For Informational Purposes Only

Copyright Disclaimer

Typically the most concise of all disclaimers, a copyright disclaimer – aka a copyright notice – simply lets others know that the material they are accessing belongs to you. A copyright notice will typically include the name of the author, the year of the copyright, the internationally recognized copyright symbol and an indication of reservation of rights.

All such information will usually be presented in a concise ‘bar' at the bottom of the page, though must be prominent enough to be visible. Here's an example of a copyright disclaimer:

Fair Use Disclaimer

Anyone who intends to use the work of someone else without their direct permission may need to include a fair use disclaimer, which can prevent legal action being taken against them.

‘Fair use' refers to the use, citation or incorporation of another author's work to an extent that doesn't contribute copyright infringement of plagiarism. For example, the content may have been used by a third party for commentary purposes, teaching, researching, news reporting and so on.

A common example of ‘fair use' in practice being a movie review that includes clips from the film, or the use of extracts from a copyrighted book during an English language lesson.

Here's a fair use disclaimer used by several YouTube Channel:

Confidentiality Disclaimer

Confidentiality disclaimers are usually part of the signature line in an email, which subsequently ensures that it appears in every email communication. These email disclaimers are used to inform the recipient that the content of the email is confidential in nature and must not be shared in full or in part with anyone else.

In addition, email disclaimers can sometimes be used to warn recipients of potential computer viruses and other security risks, thus limiting the liability of the sender in the case of such scenarios.

A typical confidentiality disclaimer used in an e-mail signature line is as follows (from Fasanara Capital):

Warranty Disclaimer

As the name suggests, a warranty disclaimer is effectively the opposite of a conventional warranty. Where issued, a warranty disclaimer informs the receiver of the product or service the provider does not offer any promises or guarantees, typically in relation to quality, dissatisfaction and so on.

However, all sellers and service providers are bound by certain national and international rules regarding minimum quality and safety levels for products and services offered. Therefore, a warranty disclaimer cannot be used to sidestep all responsibility on the part of the seller or service provider.

This is how Amazon words their warranty disclaimer:

No Responsibility Disclaimer

Also referred to as a disclaimer of liability, a no responsibility disclaimer offers protection from potential repercussions in a variety of scenarios. In simple terms, to take a position of ‘no responsibility' is to accept no liability for the consequences that may occur, due to the use of the information or resources provided on your website (as an example).

This kind of disclaimer is used to inform people that if they take any given action, they take full responsibility for the potential consequences. Most websites feature one or more no responsibility disclaimers, as online information and resources can be interpreted and acted upon in an infinite variety of ways.

Here's the current no responsibility disclaimer from BCS:

Views Expressed Disclaimer

One of the most important disclaimers for use in forums, blogs and other online and offline publications, a ‘views expressed' disclaimer distances the author or business from the content published.

The disclaimer informs readers that the content published (which may include guest posts, comments, replies, third-party entries etc.) in no way conveys the thoughts, sentiments or intents of the author, the website or the business. This ensures that in the event any questionable or controversial content is published, the author/website is not held liable for the consequences.

Here's a simple yet effective example of a views expressed disclaimer:

An investment claimant distances the author from any consequences that may arise due to readers' use or interpretation of the information they provide.

Specifically, it is used to inform the reader that the author is not a qualifiedfinancial adviser, investment specialist, dealer or broker, and that they cannot and will not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information they provide.

As a result, the reader accepts complete liability for the consequences that may arise, due to their use or interpretation of the information published.

A good example of an effective investment disclaimer from SilverBarter:

One of the simpler disclaimers to understand, a ‘no guarantee' disclaimer simply informs the reader that the author makes no guarantees regarding the outcome of the use of the material, products or resources available.

Again, this means that irrespective of the outcome, the author or website accepts no liability or responsibility for the consequences. It is implied that the information/content is provided simply for reference purposes, rather than viable or valid advice to be followed.

Wikipedia has a simple yet effective no guarantee disclaimer in place, which reads as follows:

Past Performance Disclaimer

Last up, the ‘past performance' disclaimer is used to advise readers that future results can in no way be attributed to past performance. Hence, irrespective of the strong and successful past performance of any activity or entity, this doesn't guarantee similar results in the future.

Past performance disclaimers are used to inform readers that in the event that they make decisions based on past performance alone, they accept full responsibility for the outcome. They are warned that such assumptions are neither advisable nor condoned by the author, therefore should be avoided.

Here's how Maple Leaf Funds issues its past performance disclaimer:

Also found in: Thesaurus, Wikipedia.


1. To deny or renounce any claim to or connection with; disown: disclaim any involvement with the group.
2. To deny the validity of; repudiate: 'If we disclaim that authority of Parliament which made him our king, we, in fact, reject him from being our king'(Alexander Hamilton).
3. Law To decline to accept responsibility for; decline to make any warranty for.
To decline to accept responsibility or to warranty.
[Middle English disclaimen, from Anglo-Norman desclaimer : des-, dis- + claimer, to claim (from Latin clāmāre, to cry out; see claim).]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(dɪsˈkleɪm) vb
1. (tr) to deny or renounce (any claim, connection, etc)
3. (Law) law to renounce or repudiate (a legal claim or right)
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


1. to deny or repudiate interest in or connection with; disavow; disown.
3. to reject the claims or authority of.
[1400–50; late Middle English < Anglo-French disclaimer, desclamer. See dis-1, claim]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: disclaimed
Gerund: disclaiming
I disclaim
you disclaim
he/she/it disclaims
we disclaim
you disclaim
they disclaim
I disclaimed
you disclaimed
he/she/it disclaimed
we disclaimed
you disclaimed
they disclaimed
Present Continuous
I am disclaiming
you are disclaiming
he/she/it is disclaiming
we are disclaiming
you are disclaiming
they are disclaiming
Present Perfect
I have disclaimed
you have disclaimed
he/she/it has disclaimed
we have disclaimed
you have disclaimed
they have disclaimed
Past Continuous
I was disclaiming
you were disclaiming
he/she/it was disclaiming
we were disclaiming
you were disclaiming
they were disclaiming
Past Perfect
I had disclaimed
you had disclaimed
he/she/it had disclaimed
we had disclaimed
you had disclaimed
they had disclaimed
I will disclaim
you will disclaim
he/she/it will disclaim
we will disclaim
you will disclaim
they will disclaim
Future Perfect
I will have disclaimed
you will have disclaimed
he/she/it will have disclaimed
we will have disclaimed
you will have disclaimed
they will have disclaimed
Future Continuous
I will be disclaiming
you will be disclaiming
he/she/it will be disclaiming
we will be disclaiming
you will be disclaiming
they will be disclaiming
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been disclaiming
you have been disclaiming
he/she/it has been disclaiming
we have been disclaiming
you have been disclaiming
they have been disclaiming
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been disclaiming
you will have been disclaiming
he/she/it will have been disclaiming
we will have been disclaiming
you will have been disclaiming
they will have been disclaiming
Disclaimer examples
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been disclaiming
you had been disclaiming
he/she/it had been disclaiming
we had been disclaiming
you had been disclaiming
they had been disclaiming
I would disclaim
you would disclaim
he/she/it would disclaim
we would disclaim
you would disclaim
they would disclaim
Past Conditional
I would have disclaimed
you would have disclaimed
he/she/it would have disclaimed
we would have disclaimed
you would have disclaimed
they would have disclaimed
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
Verb1.disclaim - renounce a legal claim or title to
foreswear, relinquish, renounce, quit - turn away from; give up; 'I am foreswearing women forever'
claim, take - lay claim to; as of an idea; 'She took credit for the whole idea'
2.disclaim - make a disclaimer about; 'He disclaimed any responsibility'
deny - declare untrue; contradict; 'He denied the allegations'; 'She denied that she had taken money'
claim - assert or affirm strongly; state to be true or existing; 'He claimed that he killed the burglar'
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1.deny, decline, reject, disallow, retract, repudiate, renege, rebut, disavow, abnegate, disaffirmShe disclaims any knowledge of her husband's business activities.
2.renounce, reject, abandon, relinquish, disown, abdicate, forswear, abjurethe legislation which enabled him to disclaim his title
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


verbTo refuse to recognize or acknowledge:
deny, disacknowledge, disavow, disown, reject, renounce, repudiate.
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
neita, vísa á bug
inkâr etmeküstüne almamak


[dɪsˈkleɪm]VT [+ statement] → desmentir, negar; [+ responsibility] → negar (Jur) → renunciar a
he disclaimed all knowledge of itdijo que no sabíanada en absoluto de ello
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[+ responsibility, liability] → décliner, rejeter
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


(= deny)abstreiten, (weit) von sich(dat)weisen; to disclaim all or any responsibilityjede Verantwortung von sich weisen
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


[dɪsˈkleɪm]vt (frm) → negare, smentire
to disclaim all knowledge of sth → negare di essere a conoscenza di qc
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995



(disˈkleim) verb
to refuse to have anything to do with; to deny. I disclaimed all responsibility. ontken, verwerp, afwys, van die hand wys, weier يَتَنَصَّل отказвам се от negar odmítnout; popřít abstreiten nægte; afvise; fralægge sig αποποιούμαι, αρνούμαιnegar, rechazar lahti ütlema رد کردن؛ نپذیرفتن kieltäytyä nier לְהַכּחִיש अस्वीकार करना poricati, odbacivati nem ismer el menyangkal neita, vísa á bug rinnegare, disconoscere 否認する (책임, 관계를) 부인하다 atsisakyti, išsižadėti, neigti noliegt; neatzīt menafikan ontkennenavvise, benekte zrzekać się له هر ډول ادعا څخه انكار كول، له ټولو حقوقو ستر ګې پټول: نه منل، انكار كول negar a (re)nega отрекаться, отказываться poprieť zanikati poricati frånsäga sig, förneka ปฏิเสธ inkâr etmek, üstüne almamak 否認 заперечувати; не визнавати تسلیم نہ کرنا từ chối 否认
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.

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Examples Of Disclaimer Statements

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